Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Houston: Do You Feel Safe Eating Out Right Now?

Houston: Do You Feel Safe Eating Out Right Now? https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fU6MPVhw2IMLzvoa5-pniySZPl8=/52x0:869x613/1310x983/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/67655234/nancys_hustle_lamb_tartare.0.jpg https://houston.eater.com/2020/10/19/21523443/houston-restaurants-dining-out-safety-poll-coronavirus-covid-19 a plate of naan and lamb tartare Lamb tartare at Nancy’s Hustle | Photo: Mai Pham

Restaurants are open at limited capacity, but many diners are choosing to stay at home or stick to takeout. Tell Eater Houston what you’re doing.

Over the past several months, the coronavirus pandemic has brought dramatic change to Houston’s vibrant dining scene. Restaurants have closed their doors, both temporarily and permanently, over the past several months, but right now, both indoor and outdoor dining is possible at restaurants across the city.

And as COVID-19 cases continue to climb across the state of Texas, diners in Houston and beyond are left with a difficult choice: to dine out, or to stay at home? Some folks are enthusiastically returning to restaurants after months of staying at home, while others are choosing to stay cautious and continue ordering takeout, or stick to outdoor dining at their favorite restaurants.

However you’re handling this return to the new normal, Eater Houston wants to know. Cast your vote in the poll below, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. The poll will be open through Friday, October 23, and we’ll publish the results next week.

By: Amy McCarthy
Title: Houston: Do You Feel Safe Eating Out Right Now?
Sourced From: houston.eater.com/2020/10/19/21523443/houston-restaurants-dining-out-safety-poll-coronavirus-covid-19
Published Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:30:00 +0000

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