Monday, November 16, 2020

AkelDeema the Saga: Seven years. | Bonenberger & Co.

AkelDeema the Saga: Seven years.
Seven years I have been working on this.

I believe I will be writing and living into this story for the remainder of my days.

Big ideas are like that.

Big ideas capture you.

Big ideas grab you.

Big ideas immerse you.

Big ideas carry you.

The story started with a tragedy of sorts.

I went to prison.

Not jail.

Not an overnight stay at some Club Fed.

But, full on, full blown prison.

My crime?

Well, that tale is still an unknown of sorts.

The charge presented vs. me was, ‘bribery of a federal official’.

The prosecutor said in his final plea, ‘your honor, he practiced poor judgment’.

I did not steal any money.

I did not take anything from anyone.

I created and built a micro-lender to help the poor and downtrodden.

For nearly two years, I stared at this tiny church that stood across the winding asphalt paved road of this monstrosity of evil that was a ‘FCC’. A, ‘Federal Corrections Complex’.

I stared and looked at this dilapidated, corrugated metal frame building that dared to stand in defiance on that lonesome and windswept prairie against the power of evil that is the federal bureau of prisons.

I wondered about the audacity of such defiance.

I imagined a setting whereby that small and dim and barely visible and flickering incandescent light might find a use in the mind and purposes of God.

The result?

The outcome?

The AkelDeema Saga.

You see, when I suggest you mine your miseries, I speak from common ground.

I’m inviting you to take a journey with me.

I’m inviting you to walk into the valley known by the locals as,

“AkelDeema: the place of death and sorrows.”

I warn you; this is not a safe passage…

Go here:

Buy your copy.

Join, ‘The Nautilus Krew’.

Walk with me and experience what it is like to go from unknown to visible.

I am a father, husband, counselor, writer, futurist, novelist and an aging tennis player.
Steve Bonenberger | B.A., M. Div. Ongoing Post-Grad. Studies
Pastor, speaker, biblical and excellence instruction, essayist, novelist and storyteller.
​Armed with more than 25 years of experience in a range of academic and creative ventures as a senior pastor, Christian radio host, and Christian fiction writer, Steve knows what it takes to manage teams, budgets, and projects.
He is a self proclaimed “big picture guy with keen attention to detail.”
He is principled and dedicated to every task that builds a project.
He is honest and genuine in relationships with others because that’s how trust is built.
​His life’s goal?
To help people find ways to improve their performance, fuel their passion, and see their visions come to pass.

#Trauma #Justice #Healing #Meditation

writer,creative,artist,sci-fi,ministry,faith,growth,spiritual,love,learning,books,art,faith leaders,Author, Writer, Lecturer, Speaker, Futurist, Novelist, Essayist, Counselor, Talk-Show Host, Filmmaker, Husband, Father, Grandfather and Aging Tennis Player.
trauma informed healing, justice impacted, healing centered engagement, meditation centered healing, informed trauma care, trauma informed care model, identity centered restoration

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